The Red Pill 2051_4/10/12

The Red Pill 2051 podcast has returned! There was so much to talk about that I won’t burden you with my usual descriptive introduction. Suffice it to say, the Great Work continues and is becoming more obvious by the day. It didn’t take me long to get back in the swing of things.

(For those interested, the outro song is call “Comrade Scientists” by Valdimir Vissotski. A translation can be found on this site:) Vissotski translations

Google Floor Plan App

Google+ New Ghost Profiling

Sentient World: war games on the grandest scale

Scientist created hybrid H5N1-Swine flu virus

Human Engineering and Climate Change (Oxford)

New Taser camera and tech

The killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr

Russia’s new “zombie gun” program

Homelessness becomes a crime in Hungary (communism still running strong)

Russian man facing life in prison for killing home invaders

Earth’s clouds are getting lower (I wonder why?)


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The Red Pill 2051_2/14/11

As the dust settles in Egypt, expectations have dropped dramatically. A dictator has been replaced by a military council, one authoritarian system for another. That sounds like a crummy deal to me. But as time passes and life settles back into a routine, people will forget the euphoria of the “revolution” and will compromise their original ideals, which weren’t theirs in the first place. Meanwhile, the attacks on population continue. Some attacks are subtle, others overt forced by law, but regardless, the eugenists’ dream is coming true.

Joyful Egyptians Await Assurances About Future

Japanese teens; married couples losing sex drive

Ban on women in combat deemed discriminatory

U.S. taxpayer money funding eugenicist agenda in Rwanda

Court bans man with low IQ from having sex

Tattoos may help deliver vaccines

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The Red Pill 2051_9/24/2010

Erik has returned this week after a hiatus. What would the founding fathers think of the current political and social situation we find ourselves in at the present? They would recognize the depression for what it is, but since mainstream media claims the recession has been over for a year, the people keep sleeping and living in a dreamworld. Obamacare has begun and so far so good, but the worst is yet to come. And we’ll be needing any healthcare we can get as our skies are sprayed daily with toxic substances. Flu season is back, hooray! H1N1 isn’t the “killer” it was last year, but not to worry, the vaccine is now mixed with the regular flu jab. How convenient! Medical marijuana dispensaries are being raided across the country, regardless of state laws. So if you need your “eye” medication, you may be out of luck.
Across the pond, motorists are being encouraged to spy on one another and UK teachers are reporting on bigoted 3 year olds. Maybe this is just a preemptive action to control future yobs wandering the streets and causing trouble.

50 mind blowing facts about America would never have believed

We’re in a depression

Obamacare is even worse than critics thought

Geo engineering killing off the useless eaters

H1N1 is back, now included in the seasonal shot

Big Brother lurks on UK roadways

Teachers accusing 3 year olds as bigots

Problems with “Yobs” in UK

DEA and DOJ stay mum on medical marijuana raids

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The Red Pill 2051 Podcast_Episode 4

This week, Erik and I discuss the poisoned world in which we all live. Also, we share our thoughts on the climategate scandal that has reopened the debate about global warming, or climate change, or whatever media buzzword the elites are using these days.

Why the media ignores Climategate

Hot Times:

Penn State investigating climategate

What happened to Global Warming: BBC

Watts up with that?

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

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The Red Pill 2051 Podcast, Episode 2

This week Erik and I discuss the death of the dollar and what that means to all of us in the country. I touch more upon the healthcare issue and the H1N1 vaccination debacle, which has personally affected my lively hood.,LVS,S,M,GT,MYL,HTZ


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