The Red Pill 2051_4/10/12

The Red Pill 2051 podcast has returned! There was so much to talk about that I won’t burden you with my usual descriptive introduction. Suffice it to say, the Great Work continues and is becoming more obvious by the day. It didn’t take me long to get back in the swing of things.

(For those interested, the outro song is call “Comrade Scientists” by Valdimir Vissotski. A translation can be found on this site:) Vissotski translations

Google Floor Plan App

Google+ New Ghost Profiling

Sentient World: war games on the grandest scale

Scientist created hybrid H5N1-Swine flu virus

Human Engineering and Climate Change (Oxford)

New Taser camera and tech

The killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr

Russia’s new “zombie gun” program

Homelessness becomes a crime in Hungary (communism still running strong)

Russian man facing life in prison for killing home invaders

Earth’s clouds are getting lower (I wonder why?)


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The Red Pill 2051_5/9/11

Leo Trotsky grew up in the prairie lands of southern Russia in the last decades of the 19th century. I wonder what he would think of his boyhood home these days, with alcoholism plaguing every little town and village in the Russian countryside. The dictatorship of the proletariat never came to be as he had hoped. Stalin and his financial backers made sure of that. As dour as Russia seems, the situation isn’t much better in the quaint little country of Denmark, where the majority of citizens have been raised to rely on the state for pretty much everything. Doesn’t that make one want to start a protest page on Facebook? Well, be careful, because it might get pulled if the authorities don’t like it. Over here in the U.S., the decline continues as the Federal Reserve continues to print cheap money, as though it will help anything. I guess you could grow Mary Jane, but then you’d be killing the planet along with the people. But we’re dying already from poor food, inoculations and mistreatment when we’re old and infirm, so what do we really have to lose? None of this will change until more people understand and accept what’s happening.

Russia’s Heartland crisis

Voluntary Slaves of the State

Facebook accused of removing activists’ pages

Bernake defends Fed’s role in running country

America’s reckless money-printing (Nothing really reckless about it)

Inside the Budget Deal

Indoor Marijuana growing is killing the planet! Oh no!

Reports reveals elderly abuse in nursing homes

Autism rates may be higher than previously estimated

Girls’ early puberty: What causes it, and how to delay it

Obesity policy under attack from two government advisors

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The Red Pill 2051_3/29/11

As the nuclear disaster unfolds in Japan, the elites are taking advantage of this crisis to push for restrictions against the use of nuclear energy. All this really means is that we’ll be paying more for less energy in the future, which falls right in line with the Green Movement and Agenda 21. While our suffering slowly intensifies here at home, our government is sponsoring technology that may help activists thwart censorship in authoritarian regimes, especially in the Middle East. Maybe China got wind of this and is preparing itself? All we get here is an updated Emergency Alert System. Now the president can talk directly to you as you’re trying to watch Dancing with the Stars. And if you’re not the TV watching type, he can text you too. And pressure mounts from the banks with higher ATM fees and possible debit card spending limits. Isn’t progress grand?

U.S. State Department sponsoring cellphone “panic button” for pro-democracy activists

China tightens electronic censorship

FCC: Presidential emergency alerts to be tested

Tracking your Wi-Fi trail

It’s coming: The $5 ATM fee

Debit Cards: $50 spending limit? (Say it ain’t so!)

BrainGate neural interface research

For information on the upcoming Hidden Number album “Human Error” go to: Hidden Number Portal

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The Red Pill 2051_2/15/11

Erik has returned in this episode and there is much to discuss. Technology addiction is on the rise, eagerly promoted by software and hardware manufacturers alike. As our spending power diminishes, the powers that be keep finding creative ways to take more of it from us by the force of law, of course. They are the money masters, truly. All the while, the masses are entertained and brainwashed helped in great part by foundations and NGO’s. This ongoing war can be both bold and subtle and it’s up to those who can see to prepare our minds to try and help the masses who never seem to understand or even care about what is happening to them.

Documentary: The Money Masters

Hypnosis by LCD screens becoming rampant

Dozens of Facebook phones coming this year

Rural drivers in Britain must wait for petrol cuts

Judge John Roll Giffords link to the Arizona shootings

J.P. Morgan now accept gold as collateral

Pay your dog tax or Fido gets it

21 signs that the once great U.S. economy is being gutted, etc…

Ford Foundation putting up $50 million to fund documentaries

Blurb about the movie “Home”

New green agenda movie called “Home”

Website of PPR Group

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The Red Pill 2051_2/9/11

Today’s show is a collection of articles that that have collecting virtual dust in my browser’s bookmarks. They are, of course, examples of how we are being attacked and trained to accept the newly emerging system of global governance.

8 possible side effects of allergy medicine

Ads coming to bathroom mirrors at O’Hare airport

A cheaper (and creepier) way to heat a U.K. swimming pool

Alcoholism vaccine

Defaulted student loans don’t cost the government

Mysterious goop falls from sky in NY (video)

Yellow Drip Road from Alan Watt (video)

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The Red Pill 2051_Halloween

On Halloween, people go to great lengths to frighten themselves and others. But what most people are afraid of is not what can hurt or kill them, but fantastic and mythological creatures that reside in our imaginations. Personally, I’m more afraid of unmanned drones mounted with .50 caliber machine guns roaming the streets of Seattle, or being plucked from my apartment by black clad hit squads, because I didn’t do what I was told, or even worse, mass depopulation of the planet by war, poverty and lack of the basic necessities of life. But such things hit a little too close to home for the majority of the public, so they would rather worry about poltergeists and zombies. As long as that’s the case, we don’t stand much of chance to divert the real horror show that is manifesting itself everyday. Happy Halloween.

The caMEL bot

The extinction of vertebrates around the world

The Ten U.S. cities that are running out of water

Ohio McDonald’s employees get voting instructions with their paycheck

Facebook wants to know all it can about the minimalist user

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The Red Pill 2051_Total Control

Definition of Freedom-the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

Think about that next time you get pulled over by a cop, or shuffle through the security checkpoint at the airport, or pay your taxes. Where can one go now without some kind of permission? Technology is quietly enslaving us and most people are gladly accepting their chains. In this podcast, I look at some ways people are being subtly coerced to accept and like their new slavery. It’s a sad state of affairs, but then again, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

South Korean children getting GPS beepers

Judges divided over GPS surveillance

New Jersey police to shame drunk drivers on Facebook

Cleveland ‘smart bins’ for recycling

Plastic to Oil Fantastic

Steve Jobs is watching you

Former Gulf fishermen turned BP contractors

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The Red Pill 2051_5/20/10

This week Erik and I talk about Facebook, the police state, citizen spies, promises by politicians and the lock step march towards the brain chip.

What Facebook founder really thinks of you

Citizen Spies

It’s all unravelling even as it all comes together

The Floppy is dead, welcome to the cloud (for convenience, of course)

Black duck eggs and other secrets of Chinese hackers

What a shoddy piece of work is man

The Matrix is right around the corner.

Nick Clegg “promises” to reduce Britain’s police state infrastructure

Monsanto donates seeds to Haiti

Haitian farmers commit to burning Monsanto seeds

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