The Red Pill 2051_7/6/12

Today’s podcast is another book report. “Lies My Teacher Told Me” by James W. Loewen is an eye-opening study of 12 high school history textbooks and how they effectively destroy any curiosity of history in the minds of their students. They do this through such techniques as information overload, authoritative tone, heroification and lies of omission, just to name a few. Today’s podcast covers just a couple of examples of how history is distorted to elicit favorable perceptions of certain historical figures and events.

Lies My Teacher Told Me (Amazon)

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The Red Pill 2051_3/7/12

It seems the change agents in the educational system don’t have enough to do anymore. The current educational model is antiquated and inefficient, according to the Ford Foundation and its NGO, the National Center for Time and Learning. In order to bring education into the 21st century, the school day and year must be extended. There are just too many children on the streets, doing drugs, having sex and committing crimes. They need to be herded into schools for more indoctrination. With all that extra time, the school can add some humanist morality to the curriculum. Of course, the parents will benefit by being able to spend more time at work without having to think about their children. Better yet, why not have a post birth abortion and save yourself the headache?

For those of you who think democracy is a workable system, a couple of scientists have a bone to pick with you.

If you find all this too much to take, the Dutch have legalized euthenasia and they’ll even come to your house, granted you have a terminal condition. (I’m sure that little detail will fall by the wayside in the future.) If you’re the thrill-seeking type, a Lithuanian roller coaster designer may be looking for capital to build his “killer” coaster.

And if all that wasn’t bad enough, NASA scientist say the clouds above us are getting lower. If only they heard of chemtrails, then maybe the news wouldn’t be so shocking.

Ford Foundation Speech on Expanded School Time

Schools should teach humanistic morality

Are people too dumb for Democracy to work?

Ethicists argue for post birth abortions

Dutch launch mobile euthanasia teams

A concept roller coaster that can kill you

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The Red Pill 2051_2/20/12

People are frustrated with our school system and I can’t really blame them. One would think that all that money, teacher training and standardized tests would produce better students, yet the students are getting unnervingly dumber and more out of control. In a country where money fixes everything, how can this be?
Well, what if the school system is doing exactly what it is supposed to? The media never asks that question. What if compulsory schooling was designed from the beginning to create insecure, fearful, perpetually childish children, who could never really grow up. They would have to be managed and the controllers already had a management system in mind: socialism. All the difficult decisions would be handled by the government, while the citizens would work and play and NOT think. A bloodless revolution to bring about socialism in the U.S. has happened in the realm of chalk dust, chewed pencil erasers and graffitied school desks. Who would of thunk it?

John Taylor Gatto and the real purpose of education

Thousands of children start school without potty training

Review of book “ConsumerShift” (they have us all figured out, huh?

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The Red Pill 2051_The Creature Part V

In this last part of my book report about “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, we begin with the battle between President Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle, the director of the Second Bank of the United States. For a third time, an attempt at securing a central bank in this country was thwarted. It is an exciting tale, but the consequences of this clash still haunt us today.

The central bank may have been defeated, but banking was still very much alive. Before the Civil War began, there were many European money masters who were actively attempting to break up the United States and weaken her position on the global economic stage. President Lincoln’s primary goal was to preserve the Union, contrary to popular history. By printing Greenbacks, he in effect suspended the Constitution and placed the government into the business of banking. After the smoke had cleared from the battlefields, the U.S. suffered the bloodiest war in history, but the economic turmoil was just beginning.

50 years later, the Federal Reserve system was put into place and the world changed forever.

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The Red Pill 2051_5/9/11

Leo Trotsky grew up in the prairie lands of southern Russia in the last decades of the 19th century. I wonder what he would think of his boyhood home these days, with alcoholism plaguing every little town and village in the Russian countryside. The dictatorship of the proletariat never came to be as he had hoped. Stalin and his financial backers made sure of that. As dour as Russia seems, the situation isn’t much better in the quaint little country of Denmark, where the majority of citizens have been raised to rely on the state for pretty much everything. Doesn’t that make one want to start a protest page on Facebook? Well, be careful, because it might get pulled if the authorities don’t like it. Over here in the U.S., the decline continues as the Federal Reserve continues to print cheap money, as though it will help anything. I guess you could grow Mary Jane, but then you’d be killing the planet along with the people. But we’re dying already from poor food, inoculations and mistreatment when we’re old and infirm, so what do we really have to lose? None of this will change until more people understand and accept what’s happening.

Russia’s Heartland crisis

Voluntary Slaves of the State

Facebook accused of removing activists’ pages

Bernake defends Fed’s role in running country

America’s reckless money-printing (Nothing really reckless about it)

Inside the Budget Deal

Indoor Marijuana growing is killing the planet! Oh no!

Reports reveals elderly abuse in nursing homes

Autism rates may be higher than previously estimated

Girls’ early puberty: What causes it, and how to delay it

Obesity policy under attack from two government advisors

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The Red Pill 2051_4/6/11

For anybody with even a vague sense of history, it is easy to see that the United Nations is simply a reintroduction of the League of Nations. I just finished a book called, “Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House: A personality study”, in which the authors give a good argument of why the United States did not enter the League after WWI; the war to end all wars, supposedly. But the book also gives insight into the role of the technocrat, that enigmatic figure who shuns the limelight of the press, but works tirelessly to exercise his/her power over public leaders. Colonel Mandell House was just one of many such technocrats, but his role in Wilson’s presidency was unprecedented at the time. I highly recommend the book. Here in Seattle, I came across a flyer from the Revolutionary Communist Party of the U.S.A. Again, anyone with a vague sense of history of the past 100 years will scoff at the idea that communism works, but this little pamphlet doesn’t care about you. It’s designed to speak to the young and disenfranchised, of which there are many. If you know anyone who is entertaining the idea of communism as a means to a better life, please direct them to this episode for a little more information.

Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House: A personality study at Amazon (easily attainable at your public library)

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 80th birthday extravaganza!

Free Bob Avakian

Harun Yahya: The bloody history of communism

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The Red Pill 2051_The Story so far…Part 2

Part 2 of my talk from the first chapter of Ted Flynn’s book, “Hope for the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World”, which takes us all the way to 2000. Hopefully by now, you have understood that there is nothing new about it.

California wants lesbians as mandatory ‘role’ models

Hope for the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World by Ted Flynn

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The Red Pill 2051_2/28/11

After recently finishing Albert G. Mackey’s “The History of Freemasonry”, I began thinking about how the seven sciences of this international religion affects all of our lives. The sciences are as follows:

Geometry (or Masonry)

These subjects make up our collective reality when you step back and really look. And in making our reality, they control us as well. I wanted to explore a few ways that these sciences are used to shape the perceptions of our experiences.

Adults deliberately dumbing down their language

Craig Ferguson: Why everything sucks

The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Prince Charles waxes poetic about ‘sacred’ geometry in his new book

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The Red Pill 2051_Indoctrination

When the U.N. was created, undemocratically I might add, after WWII, one of the first organizations created was UNESCO. As its first General-Director, Julian Huxley laid the foundation (Masonic joke) of a standardized global education system. This primary role continues today, as mobile indoctrination centers fan out across the globe to reach every person on the planet. But educating the youth is not enough for these control freaks. Adults also need to be retrained into the ever-changing reality of their part of the world. Soon, they will probe your dreams, finding out how you tick and then tailor specific indoctrination just for you. And if they make a mistake, they can simply erase that memory and start all over again. Strangely enough, if you smoke, you may be resistant to such advances, which is one way to explain the war on smoking. All you need is a little out-of-the-box thinking and perhaps the answers will come. Too bad the masses are content in the box.

Julian Huxley and UNESCO

Preparing the next generation to the conference table

Education for all

Scientists hope to record our dreams

Method to erase traumatic memories on horizon

Passive smoking causes 1% of ALL world’s deaths

Real Reason for war on smoking

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The Red Pill 2051_9/30/2010

Cancers of all kinds are on the rise, but there’s a new drug out there that can give you a few more months to limp along. It’ll cost you, though. That’s little consolation to the throngs of people out there who have lost their jobs and it’s clear that soon your ability to eek out a living with cash under the table is coming to an end. Down under, teachers may be given Tasers to discipline unruly students, especially those that are complaining about their rapidly declining futures. But it’s just not young students who are being dealt with in unsavory ways. Scientists in Canada are finding just how short their leashes are. New divisions between men and women concerning “climate change” are being “discovered” in the Western world. But these subjects don’t matter much to the rioting crowds spreading through Europe at the moment.

$93,000 one-time use only cancer drug

Death of Cash?

Tasers for teachers proposal in Australia

Canadian scientists claim “muzzling”

Women more likely to accept climate science

Anti-Austerity protests spread through Europe

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