The Red Pill 2051_1/30/12

For those who witnessed the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, it was very difficult, if not impossible to reconcile their acts within the confines of basic morality and rationality. How could people become such barbarians in such a short span of time? As time passed, the answer became clearer. A religion based on the myth of the Thule was the driving factor in almost all the decisions made by the ruling hierarchy. Using this myth to his full advantage, Himmler created the cult of the S.S., who believed they were securing a future for a race of new supermen that would reign over the earth for a thousand years. Jews were just one of many lowly groups of animals that had to be exterminated for the Aryan race to thrive. In many ways, Nazi Germany existed in a different, bizarro dimension from the rest of the world.

But the dream of the coming supermen never died. The religion of Thule was replaced by the religion of science. In place of the fevered proclamations of Hitler, we have the sober recommendations of the white-coated priests, who we call scientists. Through the more “humane” technique of genetics (eugenics), the undesirables of society will eventually be weeded out, making space for the supermen to arrive. Men and women who will be “super” at serving their masters, that is.

MIT discovers master gene for memory production

Are we ready for a “morality pill”

CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost ‘efficacy’ of vaccines

More Chimera’s created in a lab

CDC: After $600,000 spent, we have no idea what causes Morgellons disease

VA Attorney General worried about rat families from D.C.

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The Red Pill 2051_The Weak

The weakest in society have always been used to further the agenda of the ruling elite. Whether it be brainwashing children to promote certain ideas, like with the Hitler Youth or Soviet Komsomol, or using the sick or infirm to promote medical breakthroughs, like brain implants, or exploiting the mentally deficient to promote eugenics, the agenda keeps rolling along. Look into the works of such “luminaries” and “experts” as Lord Betrand Russell, B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov to see how this has been done.
At this point in time, we into the worst totalitarian regime the world has ever seen, so is it a surprise that children today are being drugged and tracked from an early age? While we sit back watching TV shows about heroic doctors and law enforcement officers, our children are being prepared to accept The New World Order and the seemingly unfit “useless eaters” are being systematically killed off by law. Where is our compassion and indignation?

Convention on the Rights of the Child from the U.N.

The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA’s Experiments of Children

Pediatricians urged to screen more closely for mental health problems

Medicating our Children

California preschoolers to get tracking devices

Teresa Lewis, mentally disabled, to be executed this month in VA

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