The Red Pill 2051_4/18/12

Today’s talk is more scattershot than usual. Topics include, cellphone surveillance, fighting back against political corruption, “global warming” hoax, population control, the control of science and American communism.

New Microchip for smartphones to provide unprecedented location data

Ron Paul wins do-over caucus in St. Charles County, MO

Think less and become more conservative

Rebellion at NASA against global warming

Peter Singer: “I do not think we need more human beings on the planet”

Scientific retractions increasing exponentially

Portland State University offering “Revolutionary Marxism” course


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11 responses to “The Red Pill 2051_4/18/12

  1. The wave of technological innovations continues to “enhance” people lives. Samsung TVs are now being built with facial and voice recognition (similar to what you see with the xbox 360 kinects) with the added feature of being connected to the internet so that you can stay in touch with friends and family, or so the sales pitch goes. 1984 is very much alive and the majority of people seem to be none the wiser or seem to care. The article can be found at:

  2. I came across this article about a month ago but I think it ties in nicely into the first part of this podcast about tracking peoples movement via mobile technology.
    Essentially Google and other online companies are changing their privacy policy wording so that government agencies no longer require a court order to access your details but can simply request access. These means that any government agency can simply ask Google (and/or others) for you information rather than having obtain any sort of court order, making it a much easier process. The article states that your private data could be accessed without your knowledge or consent and you may only become aware after an incident such rejection of a visa or not being able to be employed. Yet people still widely post every detail of their life onto the internet and are completely oblivious to the consequences.

      • Agreed, they use the old adage that if you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide. Quid pro quo, it is therefore quite permissible for them to have access to everything about you in order for them to hold the fabric of society together. The only catch is that they decide what is deemed wrong or right. As you have pointed out in previous podcasts, they change the laws, such as reduction of anonymity (for safety reasons) on the internet and at the same time increase penalties for criticising those in power (i.e. politicians, although done under the guise of hate speech bills to protect everyone), effectively reducing freedom of speech as you can no longer voice your opinion of the government of the day with out some sort of ramifications.

  3. Hi Chad,

    I don’t know if you’ve come across this blog
    I came across it when I was searching for some information on Keynes and his affiliation with the Fabian society. It has a lot of information, and I haven’t had time to fully scrutinize the whole site but it might be worth while.

    B in Australia

    • There was a link from the above mentioned site to this document:

      Click to access nationalmanifesto_engl.pdf

      It was written by a Russian author and highlights the state of the world today and how it is being influenced by the oligarchy elites. I have started to read it and found that even in the first few pages it provides a very clear understanding what is going on in the world around us. I hope you find it of some interest as did I, and hopefully I can find time to finish reading it in the next day or two.

      B in Australia

    • Hi B,
      You weren’t kidding, the author of that blog has been very busy. I’m always interested in what an awake Brit has to say, so thanks for the link.

      As far as Keynes is concerned, he was pretty open about his socialist leanings.

      • Hi Chad,

        What I was trying to find out is the connection between so many western governments, run under a so-called capitalist banner, that were so quick to accept a theory of economics developed by a socialist. From my point of view it was quite clear that increasing government debt to continue spending was flawed. The debt was always going to have to be paid back by the taxpayer, and was obviously designed as a trap to make people subservient to their banking masters. Really I’m just trying to play catch up with my understanding of the mechanisms of this system, and as the modern phase has been going on for at least 100-150 years, there is a lot to learn.

        B in Australia

      • Hi B,

        I know how you feel. Have you come across references to Carroll Quigely in your research? You must read his two books, Tragedy and Hope: A Brief History of Out Time and The Anglo-American Establishment, if you want a more detailed understanding of world history since the late 19th century. Buy them if you can find them or you can find scanned versions at

  4. Hi Chad,

    I have sourced and managed to find scanned copies of both of those books, after you mentioned him in several of you podcasts. At over 1300 pages for Tragedy and Hope, at the present I have not found time to read them, but I will shall endeavor to do so in the not too distant future. Did you find it was a fair and unbiased view point.

    • Hi B,
      The books are not completely unbiased, but that’s what makes them so important. Quigely was in favor of the goals of the Royal institute of international affairs and the CFR, but not necessarily their methods. They are a rare peek behind the curtain.

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